Jesalyn Blount | David S. Blunk, II | David K. Geer | Justin Marshall | Isaac R. | Janine M. Surma | Ryanne LumettaWant to contribute as well? Or advertise? Or sponsor a project, release, or event? Email us.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Here's the first one I read:
Original ad:
Wanted: ride from philly to rehoboth beach
i am trying to leave any time next friday. i will pay for gas, and provide conversation.i am bringing a large duffel bag and a cat.From Mike Partlow to ***********@*********.org
I have to go to court in Rehoboth next Friday, so I would be able to give you a ride. I just want to know, you're female, right?
From chris ******** to Me
i am male. what time did you want to leave?
From Mike Partlow to chris *********
I'm sorry, I thought you were female because you said you owned a cat. Sorry, but I don't want to give you a ride. Two dudes in a car, going to Rehoboth, it just seems a little gay. Better luck next time.
From chris ******** to Me
wtf how is that gay? i just want a ride!
From Mike Partlow to chris *********
Well normally I wouldn't think anything of it, but first off, you own a cat, and you are a dude. That is a huge red flag right there. Any normal straight guy wouldn't own a cat, and if he did, he wouldn't care about the cat enough to take it to the beach. Second, you want to go to Rehomo Beach. I'm not judging your lifestyle or anything man, I just don't want you gaying up my car. No offense. I don't even want to know what is in your duffel bag.
From chris ******** to Me
stfu dude why are you being a prick! im not fucking gay i just cant get a fucking ride to the beach! my GIRLFRIEND happens to have a house in rehoboth!!
From Mike Partlow to chris *********
Yeah, I'm sure he does.
I think Richard Simmons is driving down there next week, try to get a ride with him.
Labels: Blogs, the internet is cool, The internet is stupid
Friday, September 11, 2009
I received this in my inbox on Wednesday...
The time has come. The moment we have all been waiting for this summer. Let's start this season with a gay bang."Come to the Party" - M. K. S. to F.T. when she wasn't paying attention. SO achtung F.T.s!The Stage is Set.R e e n a S p a u l i n g s F i n e A r t is thrilled to announce....K8 HARDY, artist"to all the g#$%!s I've loved before"OPENING SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 13TH, 6-8PM(party to follow)Reena Spaulings 165 East Broadway NY NY 10002SHOW: September 13th - October 11th, 2009; Thursday through Sunday, Noon to 6pmkand new york, you know you haven't seen me for awhile, i've possibly been possessed by demons, and i'm using this opening and your presence as a ritual to magnetize all the "demons/disease" out of my body. mostly i am relying on the love friction of bodies around me, but i invite you to perform any exorcism really just missing you and all together making a room smell like ass.On May 27th 2009 I wrote the following exciting press release:Attention: (!!!!!_)
Reena Spaulings Fine Art
I don’t appreciate anyone trying to control my expressions and I will not let any gallery control what goes into a show of my art. I AM TAKING BACK TOTAL CONTROL! I don’t care if it won’t be any good. My work is fucking good! It’s not some minimalist anti-aesthetic don’t care about the world conceptual project, ok? It’s messy and I DON’T NEED YOU TO TAKE OVER THE PRODUCTION! I don’t want my hand taken out of my own fucking art show in order to take it “to the next level”. I am completely against that patriarchal view of success. I don’t care if my shit is unprofessional or tacky. I’ve been making art since before I ever walked into a gallery and been involved in crazier shit (LTTR) than this gallery.
ANYWAYS, All the guys my age are on their stupid Nintendo 9th show and I haven’t had one- so I got a lot of shit to show, ok? In fact I hope my shit show is really fucking bad and embarrassing for everyone in this super cool art scene. I want this to be the same as I had ten years ago in my dyke punk rock house: I’ve got something to say.
DO I HAVE ANY COLLECTORS ANYWAYS? Well you know that answer is NO. well why, why, why, I wonder why? So please just help me out this summer so this downwardly mobile “celesbian” can have her first show.
But before that I wrote...
“Re-working In the In-Between, Shaking It Out.”
The Process is Power conference caught my attention because it addresses two important issues for me:
1. Process as a foreign/other language inside one dominant language; frequently spoken by Lesbians but not limited to this Tribe; most often used outside of Patriarchal circles.
2. Process as a metaphor for working used most often in relation to Artists.
These are topics I am currently investigating in my new work, “Notes on Lying”.
What motivates me? I am an artist and an outsider, both simultaneously and distinctively, so a total of 3.
I studied various fruits in my education, each one sliced or deconstructed an/other way, an endless amount of variations- but not quite infinity. Yet, when confronted with “Process” I tend to let it go. As I release this grip, or hailing, there creates a void, torn open through rejection. This void is an open space, never able to be filled or closed, that which is not one. And so I stand empty-handed before myself, and before my reader. But I’m convinced this situation needn’t remain so. I think if we stretch the limits, we might find some wonderful tools for regarding Process.
In a theoretical world, there are as many ways to view a situation as there are ways of viewers. For this reason, I will use simply my own, sketch it briefly and then illustrate some results. I don’t pretend to present any ground-breaking or revolutionary ideas in this text, just to shift my point of view, and possibly yours.
Fluidity, fragmentation, and pleasure are associated with the metaphorical ground breaking. The nascent intellectual current is conceptualism, a modality that creates a structure with hierarchies, it’s symbols and signs. It gives process a rigorous, “one, two” and then falls to the floor. So it’s not what I’m looking at, it’s not the finality, but the backwards unfolding. When I say backwards, I do invoke a form of linearity, but don’t limit it within actual directions.
The focus on “Process” by which meaning has been achieved inherently reveals feminist concerns. Inherently you may ask why? Inheritance is a patriarchal mode of moving power that distinctly and forthrightly excludes women, when I use the word woman now, just briefly to make my point, it is to classify that which is outside heteronormative patterns. Here I assert that again, my concern is not much with what has been said or made or produced. I postulate a different strategy, a risk, for the inscription of Process.
If to speak is to act and I say perform, perhaps performance is a form of lying? That’s philosophy. But it’s hard to answer if you consistently question what is Real.
Objects are less important than process. Process will never earn a dollar. As related in point #2, the (O)ther Tribes, have a whole foreign language of process. Communication and dialogue create friction, a small warmness. Lying is done with language, writing, and also the space between words. Gaping holes of nothing, caverns of emptiness, the liminality of abject unknown. A preferred space to occupy, like a country. Let us not forget power.
I don’t always want to be an artist. Part of it to me is about carrying around a heavy load of ideas and an intense drive to write about them. By writing I mean making art. By writing, I like to imply the gesture of my hand so may I also call it painting? Is it controlled? Is it messy? Is it queer as a two-dollar bill?
Politics are intrinsic here, activating questions and thoughts in the world we live in today; all wars considered. It’s a load of dirty clothes for most in the United States. However, I wear dirty clothes every day. Cleaning, putting away the mess, taking the visibility out of mess, making mess invisible, belongs to the privileged. Visibility now marches into the room, on the paper.
I think of my basic gesture as the American middle finger flying in the air of defiance. We’re supposed to be rebels anyways. I will name the specificity of my stance. Two able bodied legs supported by the ground in the United States of America, foreign soil.
So who owns what and why? Who claims to own the unknown thing that dares not bare its name? If one had to live in a closet, lying out of necessity, does the closet ever leave the room?
Persona is a reaction to Patriarchy. As everyone searches for their true self, they use the fake one they have been given, or fail miserably at that effort. Authenticity is slippery. Mimicry is the tenet of femininity.
It’s easy to obsess over the little things, scrape off the top layer of eye shadow your sister’s friend gave you from her stash of samplers at the department store where they both work. She’s a make up artist. It’s another kind of great artist. I look at the scraped up dirty little pads of packed powder and wonder if the germs from all the rich ladies, because it is a nice department store, I wonder if they could seep all the way to the bottom, totally saturate the rectangle of color. No matter, I’ll let my immune system work it out.
It’s so rude when an acquaintance maybe friend says, “I’m going out with my girlfriends tonight, me and my girlfriend, I just love all my girlfriends, and I really need to have girlfriends.” The gendered friendships keep slapping me on the face with their hallowed placement. Now every time I here a sex signifier I become suspect. I feel like there must be something conservative lurking around it. And these days you can guarantee if something is called a Women’s group, it’s usually for conservative means.
It’s scary how activist terms can get co-opted to the point of innocuous. Yet still I am part separatist and have no problem with making statements about Men. Oh Power. No problem at all. Bold statements regarding the still dominant sex, but oh how those women dream that’s behind us. It’s oh so embarrassing for straight people. Ha ha ha. Must we really bring that up? Let’s just party and have a good time. tickle tickle he he. Me and my girlfriends are liberated.
Stereotypes can’t contain the people within them. It’s violent. So take me on my own terms, or lay yours out so that I can see them. Take a position. I’m wary of silent terms, unspoken, invisible ground.
I’m still not fitting in. I’m a collision. You know what I mean?
Should we decide what to do together? I’m stuck in a pattern. I want to continue. I want clarity. The emotions are muddled. I have a deep commitment. I have conceptual questions. I want to check out.
It’s time to look over all my notes and find some more meaning. I need to keep adding meaning, searching. I make no apologies. I want everything to be clear to myself, not to you.
And coffee. Why does it have to be so bad for you? Is it? Everything is bad. All the artists are sober tea drinkers eating lots of greens and staying in shape. No more drugs, we run our studios like a tight little business ship. You can’t be a mess if you want to succeed!
I’m flipping pages. I’m looking at old super 8 movies. Animals I filmed at the zoo, incessantly walking back and forth, pacing in the cage, back and forth and back and forth in black and white. It’s kinda hard to watch. I think about Guantanamo. I think about this upcoming election and I get freaked out. The elephants are out of focus. The footage from France with the topless girls on the beach makes you want to question your participation in perversity, that’s the United States at work in your mind.
My jeans are dirty. The special black jeans from Trash & Vaudeville where the punks have been making the same cut of jeans since the real deal. The ass has ripped so many times, just came back from the tailor at the dry cleaners, and I feel like I am walking around with a diaper on. It’s weird but my ass still looks good in them. I wish I could afford new clothes. Some avant-garde designer with the freakiest weird shit, who knows if they even sell it to stores even.
I still believe in the male gaze. Seems like everyone has given up on that.
Different ideas. I’d like to dress up as each of my friends and take their portrait, a portrait of me, an homage. Maybe I’ll do it but I wonder if it’s worth it.
The underwear were merely a symbol for the body. The location of the most disgusting form of abjection. I chose the underwear for the location. I buy used underwear. Everyone says they don’t do it. I mean, I check the crotch and make sure it’s not stained, and only if they are like really cool or interesting. And of course I wash them before I wear them. A friend lost my favorite pair of crotch-less panties while performing in the Miss L.E.S. Pageant. Can’t blame her for that. I got them from a Saver’s in Springfield. Now used crotch-less panties no worries. They were low-cut, black lace, from the 70s.
I like to carry around my twenty-something half finished notebooks and journals. I want to finish them because I don’t want to waste the paper. I wish I was an eco-terrorist, but I try to get close. So I try to carry around them with me wherever I go if it is a significant amount of time. I have little ones and regular too. At a certain point a journal will become so time specific that I can’t possibly add to it. Then I will tear out the unused pages and recycle them, making lists and notes and whatnot. I’m so jealous of those hyper organized people. They probably keep their lists in their journals and never fall behind deadlines.
The fancy ones are nice. I can’t afford them all the time, but then who cares. If they get too precious yr fucked because the pages’ value combat the value of your words. You see someone with those pristine perfect notebooks, perhaps in black leather? You wonder, what kind of ideas are going into that special notebook? Probably ones that are continuing to make that person richer. I digress, but details like that are always on my mind. I’m not jealous, just aware. Details, like I was saying. Signifiers as others properly note.
I look cute today and I would like to go somewhere and be appreciated for it. Guess I’d like to go thrift shopping or somewhere public or something in a cruising zone but my money is so tight I can’t even afford that, much less the cab I would need home. I suppose most people could resolve that problem on the Internet, a blog or whatever. I need immediacy, human contact, and human feelings. I need to feel desired.
I’m really pushing it now in a total new over the edge way. Credit cards are maxed out, no more savings. It’s weird to identify with what the politicians are saying, like hey that’s me. No Health insurance, no nothing, broke. hahaha. Borrowed some cash from a friend. Never done that before. Big fucking sigh. I’m freaking out about food but I still continue to look glamorous and that is so confusing. No not the looking part, that’s confusing to other people, it’s the notoriety. I’m not supposed to complain about that. It’s just alienating when you’re broke. And I’m an elitist, and educated, total cultural elitist.
Downwardly mobile they used to say and still some may say about me. It doesn’t stick though anymore. My generation can’t expect to do better than their parents, like our parents could. So there is a downward shift and then slap on being an artist, slap on fighting to be an artist, and downward the finances go. Maybe I’m just in shock cuz I was raised middle class.
Isn’t that so embarrassing for some people? Yet they don’t know what it’s like to have nothing to lose. I wonder how much my not boring life is worth. It sure is fetishized. Glamour. Is that what it costs? It feels like poetic vindication to all the boring straight people out perhaps. They’ve got the Internet, TV, and magazines but not the people.
Is that mean? I really don’t want to sound mean but then I’m afraid I couldn’t write anything down at all.
I’d like to just walk around and let my tits accidentally fall out of my shirt, or hang out. I’m an exhibitionist so it gets me off. Ask an old crotch and she still may say it’s an offense against women. I’d like to offend men and women simultaneously.
I’d like to do a performance with an amp so I could get so loud. I have so many fucking ideas like an idiot high school boy with a boner and a guitar.
Timing again. It’s weird when someone gives you flowers. Every time my dad fucked up or made me mad I would get flowers. It’s like the offense of making your girl cry, not an apology. Flowers make it all better. I like getting flowers now. Maybe it’s the city or the person sending them has better taste than carnations. Really it’s the luxury and color and gesture. Is that killing the earth?
I like to spray myself with perfume before I go to bed. Roll in it. Especially the ones I don’t wear out anymore, like CK1. I was 16 going to gay clubs in Dallas by myself. It was hot. That smell permeated the whole fucking club and that whole time period. You couldn’t turn around without smelling it. I would bring an apple to the Village Station, the three story-12 room mega dance floor gay club, and dance for hours on end. I was exhilarated. Just dancing, no drinks. The thrill of gay movement and being on a floor without being ogled or mauled by men was beyond any free space I had ever known. It was mostly men there. A separate room and bar, of course, for the drag queen shows. I was transfixed, the only white girl with bleach blonde hair in the corner. Often then I was the only white girl and I really enjoyed that.
I feel subservient to the politically righteous conceptual artists of my peers. They frame themselves in such a safe way, who could argue? If you did, if you dare to disagree, then you disagree with the politics. Sometimes I feel like that is what is put on the line, challenge me and my feminist work and that means you are ignorant and patriarchal. And I don’t know what they risked. I guess I want that. I want to feel a little passion. I want to put up a high school art show. I’m not a minimalist. I want to make a mobile, can’t decide out of what.
“I pledge allegiance to shit” is what my Born Against t-shirt said in high school. A soldier saluting a coffin. I got sent home one day for wearing it. Maybe I can find it on eBay. I almost got up to do just that as I wrote it.
I’m horny but I don’t feel like doing anything about it. It’s the end of my period. My flower pharmacy panties are ragged out. I have a thing for pharmacy panties. Especially if I am in a foreign country. I want to touch the average woman. In Austria they had thongs at the pharmacy, could you imagine? Here they call the condom section family planning. We have a language problem in this country.
It barely gets hot up here and that makes me homesick, though by now I don’t know if home could be used properly in that world. I guess there is a forever argument regarding that one and formative years.
I’m probably too old by mainstream standards to walk around with my ass hanging out of my pants like this, but I guess that’s the beauty of it. I keep having to battle my personality aka performance against my work. It’s like S says about how people decide to take things seriously or not. By now I’m not going out of my way to suntan in order to keep my skin looking nice. I’m concerned about wrinkles.
I have deep dream fantasies of places to call home. Houses on the beach left with the past inhabitants possessions including a closet of vintage clothes. Every one of these places unfolds and becomes an endless maze of undiscovered bedrooms and closets. Our parents all expected us to do better than they themselves, only this time the American dream didn’t work that way. None of us expect to do better, doing as in money having. Although we all hope for it. It leaves us in this hole of expectation without work. Not that I can compare myself too much, if I did have the same values, I would be doing “better” most likely.
So here I AM an artist and what do I have to hold on to?
Some respond RIGHT ON SISTER, I am feeling you.
Others are confused, think, she’s asking them to look at her and look away at the same time. I feel compelled to look. Another says FUCK YOU TOO.
Labels: feminist, k8 hardy, queer, rant, reena spaulings
Saturday, August 29, 2009
GOD CLUB IS back in action with our two-day renegade boutique at the People's Arts Festival! Come check us out! Hand-silkscreened clothing and accessories, GOD CLUB records, cds, dvds & tapes, zines, pamphlets, gifts, art, prints, a porn collection, and much MUCH more! All priced to move! Support your favorite local fag punk collective!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
IF YOU HAVEN'T already noticed, The Report has been and will be on a slight hiatus, as the contributors have been moving, acclimating to new conditions, and preparing for our annual large-scale installation/renegade boutique at the People's Art Festival at the Russel Industrial Center complex, here in Detroit (this year it's August 29-30).
We'll see you around.
In the meantime, we'll be regularly updating and adding new content to our main site, .
Labels: Detroit, People's Art Festival, R.I.P.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
THIS FRIDAY, God Club's STEVIE will be performing his first live show of 2009, as well as his 150th live show, ever, at the Anton Art Center's, "Collected" exhibit, featuring some of Detroit's newest artistic output groups. God Club is also prominently featured within the Center's main gallery, with a yet-to-be-documented site-specific installation.
STEVIE's performance will be supported by a live Skypecast from sUPERIORBELLY's Beverly Fresh (a.k.a. Zack Ostrowski), and surrounded by deejay performances from a few special surprise God Club compatriots, contributors, and comrades.
For those of you who cannot make it, evidence forthcoming. To the rest of you -- take a trip out to Suburbia to celebrate with us!
The Anton Art Center is at 125 Macomb Place, Mount Clemens, MI 48043. The Friday 19 June 2009 event is from 10PM until 1AM, Eighteen and over please, with a cash bar for those of legal age.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Dark Ass Bats: New Dethlab residency.
Summer fun for all.
First Wednesdays during the summer on the Magic Stick roof deck w/ resident DJs Dethlab & Sean Whaley starting Wed. 6/3/09 / *FREE* / 10PM-2AM
(On an unrelated note: My sincere apologies to readers and contributors -- I have been without power at home [meaning, as well, regular Internet access] for over a week, hence my lack of presence, contribution, and editing. This will all be resolved soon. Thanks for your patience and understanding. My only two words for this situation: FUCK DTE...)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Molly Landreth has a new blog!
Embodiment: A Portrait of Queer Life in America, is an archive and a journey through a rapidly changing community and the lives of people who offer brave new visions of what it means to be queer in America today.
Molly photographed David Geer and I at our old apartment in the Cass Corridor around one year ago. Her project is both vital and beautiful, so I strongly suggest you check out her stuff and buy a print or two (at $50 each, you can't really complain)!
In other news, our favorite video artist turned YouTube celebrity turned art world wunderkind Ryan Trecartin is working on a new project called The Trilogy Series. It's first installments are now on display at the New Museum as a part of it's new Triennial "The Generational: Younger Than Jesus" and at The Fabric Workshop and Museum in Philadelphia.
This is all super cool.
As an aside, I'm totally going to see Fischerspooner this Sunday with my mom. I hope it doesn't ruin the magical performance that christened the golden days of my teen years!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Sorry ya'll, God Club has been really busy, moving, opening for the Prodigy, and jus--you know, livin' life.
Also, I emailed a place looking for handmade things for their store. I sent them pictures of my (sweet) cat toys and this is what the dude wrote back (you may know his store American Pop in Ferngully):
"Cat toys are readily available wholesale as well as at the dollar store.
Your designs are cool, I suggest you think of smaller versions filled with cotton to be worn as jewelry; also adopting the toys into coin purses by creating a zipper on one side, and try some pliable vinyl scraps that would have a shine and be spot resistant instead of felt."
WHATEVER MANNNNN. Don't tell me how to live my life.
Labels: american pop sucks, cat toys, fergie, peeing
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
GOD CLUB group show:
and then Ryanne and I will have a sculpture on view for our dear friend John Ryan here:
John Ryan & Detroit By Design Present ::
3009 Tillman St. Detroit 48216
JOHN RYAN (Spacelings & Bassheads)
flyer by demonbabies & john ryan
Labels: anton art center, bmg, carlos souffont, collected, ectomorph, god club, john ryan
Monday, May 11, 2009
You know what's really fun? PAINT FIGHTS.
Thanks, saram0nk. And thanks to Corey to ruining my favorite hoodie (it was all his fault, actually). Oh, and thanks to Mike Burnlab for pointing out the serendipitous moment (he had seen this video [the Kills aren't so much my thing] the night before, and we'd been to the show that night). Nuts!
Labels: fights, paint fights, paintpaintpaint
Sunday, May 10, 2009
We were just hanging out in iChat, like, two nights ago...
1 comments Posted by Isaac Royale at 1:25 PMWishing I was here:
A. Soulja Boy is totally cute
B. They have Flamin Hot FRITOS!
Shut the fuck up!
Labels: flamin hot snacks, soulja boy
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Labels: Dance, Detroit, events, the Old Miami
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
this is pretty sweet.
I really don't want to suck Amy Poehler's dick any more than necessary, but it's kind of exciting to see people very publicly reifying how cool it is to be a smart, weird little girl and to not tip toe around Feminism, even if it is super watered down and commercially supported by Barbie. It sends the message that a necessity for consciousness raising doesn't have to be a polemic and that just living can act as a testament to the power of difference.
Plus, little girls in middle school with hobbies is like, the cutest thing ever and makes me wish I didn't feel like I needed to be a boy at that time in my life and would've been an even more intense faggot.
Monday, May 4, 2009
I can't help my apathy for the art that I see in Detroit lately, or just living in Detroit in general and how bleak things really are around here. But here is a recap of some shows I have seen lately. Some good, some bad.
Yes Farm
Yes Farm is actually pretty great. I was confused by a lot of the art and I wish I would have known who was running it so I could have asked questions, but over all the space is really cool. It's in a house and you walk through rooms and there is art all over. There is also a performance space. I didn't see any of the performances but I was told they were cool. It seems like a 'community' place that wasn't just young white people taking over a neighborhood and actually not including the neighborhood. There were people who lived close-by who made food, and their kids were there hanging out. Also, they have a community garden.
Design 99
Design 99's new space is a lot better than the last one, but I am still confused as to how they stay in business when they don't have that much stuff in their store (they might start carrying Wowzer's Meowzers cat toys). I didn't really know anything about Stupor the 'zine the show was about, but I really like what I saw/read. The dude who writes the 'zine had Detroit artists design covers for the issues he was selling during the show, and the one I bought was only $1.50. Also it was a beer and chip reception, which I appreciate.
Detroit Artist Market
The Artist Market is one of the only galleries in town that always has a huge turnout for their openings and where I always see work being sold, and people buying stuff from their shop. To be honest I was there to see the art, but also to see how they had my cat toys displayed (in a glass bowl, it's pretty great). This is an all media exhibit, there was some interesting work. Something I am confused about lately is why I keep going to shows and photos that are blatantly, unembarrasingly manipulated in Photoshop win awards.
The end of an era? Not to me. I keep having weird conversations with people on why I don't like Cpop and I don't really care that they are closing (or not really closing?). I don't care about kitsch art, or pop art. Aren't people over it yet? There is an age group that I think will never get over it and have never looked beyond the art that is shown in Cpop and don't think there is anything beyond that sort of art. To me it's not that interesting, and there is never anything new shown or done with it. I don't dislike everything shown at Cpop, and when I was 17 I thought it was the coolest place ever, but I got over it pretty quickly. The whole time I was there I felt like I was having a panic attack and that I was trapped forever inside a Niagara painting. I'm not saying I like seeing galleries close, but galleries close all the time in real cities, it's not the end of the world.
In Conclusion
There are always new venues and art spaces popping up all over Detroit. They usually don't last that long. People who run these places really need to get together and think of ways that they can make their spaces more sustainable and where people will actually come to the shows, and they can somehow make money and stay open.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Who is interested? I am really tired of listening to shitty music every day of my life, so I think we should start channeling the dead, beginning with Tamion 12 Inch. I miss the pre New-Hippy Detroit music scene, and its mainly because I honestly don't care about much music that happened before Kate Bush and I don't want to hear anything that sounds so blatantly nostalgic of a past that none of these people were involved in. So instead of going backwards generations, why don't we go backwards, like, a few years and have a seance for Tamion. We can try and remember the passwords to our PhotoBucket accounts from 2004 and find photographs, we can read zine articles I wrote about them and we can dance and yell and cry all night, or at least for the length of their discography, which may only be like, 90 minutes, but whatever, it'll be great.
Labels: detroit music scene, don't wave, tamion 12 inch
Monday, April 27, 2009
IT'S NORMALLY NOT my style to post entries of a personal nature here. But as it is currently, the DAILY REPORT readership consists mostly of acquaintances, friends, relatives, co-conspirators, inspirations and muses; all people that I, in a perfect world, would have no qualms with constantly updating on the current emotions, happenings and circumstances involving my personal and professional life. However, this is REAL LIFE, and I'm always kicking myself in the ass for those that I've fallen out of touch with... So let's consider this my open letter to YOU ALL (as well as the perfect strangers--I'm not too picky).
As you know, for YOURself and myself, Twenties are difficult. Personally, I've had my ups, my downs, and my suprisingly full share of those grey moments inbetween. Those moments of waiting, for whatever reason--waiting to grow up, waiting for more money, waiting for calm, waiting for love, etc. etc. etc., I'm sure YOU know what I'm talking about. It's uneasing yet AWESOME to feel proud of where certain parts of my life are going (my apolologies for my vagueness so as not to expose, more importantly jinx, specifics...). The first half of this decade of my life has built me into many facets of a human that I truthfully love being, while still leaving parts that I hope to cast aside with maturity. I'm thankful for what I've learned, accomplished and shared thus far, with buku anticipation for things to come.
Most importantly, I'm thankful to YOU. YOU, whether YOU realize it or not, have helped, hurt, shaped, chided, built and sculpted me into who I am, or rather, who I'm becoming. And this year, at this time, I can honestly say I'm in good standing with YOU. And myself.
David S. Blunk, II
P.S. Return letters, replies, and compliments welcome. Here, or here.
Labels: Birthdays, Deep House, Deep Thoughts, Growing older, Personal, Really Deep House
Saturday, April 25, 2009
There're a lot of reasons why I love the 90's: Riot grrrl, grunge (maybe not a lot of the music but the clothes), MTV, and raver dance bands. Like Shampoo. Um these videos are so rad.
Labels: faux dreads, ravers, shampoo, the 90s, the 90s forever
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Some picture previews from the pamphlet I'm working on about my butt (and big butts in general).
New pants!!!!!
Obama is just like us, he eats pizza too! (Happy's Pizza Tuesday Special! I know what I'm doing tonight!)
Labels: big butts, butts, eating lots of pizza, hangin out, huge food, Obama, pizza
Thanks, Adriel.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Here's the mini-mix, as promised. Our full Radio Dethlab mix will post on Thursday, after we record it for WDET 101.9FM's HD2 Channel, Wednesday night, 9PM - midnight.
Radio Dethlab [2009, ~26 minutes, .mp3]
Part 1 - mixed by David S. Blunk, II (STEVIE)
Intro by STEVIE
Jittery Heritage (Egoexpress remix) by Einmusik
Breathe by Play Paul & Nicos Marcos
Xerrox Monophaser by Alva Noto
Epidemia (Sneak-Thief Paranoianoia remix) by Imiafan
Dancers (remixed by Lowfish) by Circlesquare
Part 2 - mixed by David S. Blunk, II (STEVIE)
Federschwarz by Andreas Henneberg (STEVIE darkk edit)
Right Hand Bob by Neo Filigrante
Letherbich 01 by Adriano Canzian (feat. David Caretta & Gigi Succes)
Party in my Head by Miss Kitten & the Hacker
EXTREME THANKS to all those that came out and danced for CLUB GOD 2: Thru the Eyes. It was a huge success! Nancy Gutierrez, I love my new huge vintage disco ball.
Give me a call if you'd like to come but don't have the money -- I have just a few guest list spots left! -David 001.313.622.3985
Friday 17 April 2009
Labels: CLUB GOD by GOD CLUB, Dance, Detroit, god club, the works
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The new middle school craze, according to all the major news outlets, is smoking Smartees.
When I was in middle school, one boy always used to snort pixy stix in my art class. He would always try and get me to snort them with him, insisting that they got him high. He wasn't trying to fuck with me, he snorted them himself and I really do think he was convinced he was getting a buzz off of them, but everyone thought he was a total weirdo.
One day on my way to the park I stopped by the candy store and picked up this really expensive powdered candy that I would never normally buy. I felt dirty doing it, but somehow less dirty than pixy stix. Once I got into the park, I went into the playground and sat down on this bridge where no one could see me, and I proceeded to shove my nose into the opening of one of the bottles and inhale. I choked, and I got teary eyed and I coughed for a while and spit up nasty sour snot for like, ten minutes, but I also managed to convince myself that I WAS totally high and felt sneaky, and really cool for doing it. I didn't tell anyone about it for a while because directly after doing it I was totally embarrassed, but in retrospect I'm really glad I can talk about it now.
Labels: drugs, middle school, smartees, teenagers
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I've had a constant battle my whole life. Which I'm sure many ladies have had to go through. This being: finding pants that fit my huge ass.
Okay I understand my body isn't what it is supposed to look like or something and if I was thinner I would be happier and fit into more clothing. Well I think that's bullshit and I don't understand why companies don't just make stuff to fit people like me (meaning pear-shaped). I mean I want to spend money. I want to buy your cheap clothes, so make them fit me.
I hate American Apparel. I miss the days when my friends who are also beautiful curvy ladies worked there. I tried on a pair of their pants in a size that normally fits me at other places, and I couldn't even get them over my thighs. Their clothes fall apart and their ads are fucking stupid. No, I'm not offended by them, I just think they are really stupid and aren't that interesting. Wouldn't you rather see one with a lady with a huge ass eating a hamburger? I think that would be sexy.
So I am working on a pamphlet about being a bigger bottomed lady in America, and how the men love it and come running, but you can't fit into clothes. Also I am going to do a photo series with my covered in pizza and chips. FTW I love food.
Labels: ameican apparel, butts, huge butts, pants, pizza
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I just recieved an email that Eve Sedgwick died on Sunday from a long battle with breast cancer. She was 58 years old. I am very emotional right now about it, which is sort of weird because I did not know her, but her writings were integral to the formation of my identity and also the foundation of my academic and political ideologies. I am saddened because it was my dream to work with her at CUNY. She was an amazing woman and groundbreaking writer.
For those of you unfamiliar with Sedgwick, here is a little synopsis or overview of her work and why she is important.
She is considered influential to gay and lesbian studies and is credited as one of the founders of queer theory. Her first book, written in 1985, was Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire. Following this, in 1990, she wrote the canonical queer theory text Epistemology of the Closet. I wikipedia-ed a synopsis on the latter book, which is my favorite, in order to give a concise overview for all of you on what the book is about. Here it is:
In Epistemology of the Closet, Sedgwick argues that "virtually any aspect of modern Western culture, must be, not merely incomplete, but damaged in its central substance to the degree that it does not incorporate a critical analysis of modern homo/heterosexual definition." According to Sedgwick, homo/heterosexual definition has become so angrily argued over because of a lasting incoherence "between seeing homo/heterosexual definition on the one hand as an issue of active importance primarily for a small, distinct, relatively fixed homosexual minority... and seeing it on the other hand as an issue of continuing, determinative importance in the lives of people across the spectrum of sexualities." This contradiction between what Sedgwick refers to as a "minoritizing versus a universalizing" view of sexual definition is made even more angrily argued over by yet another set of incoherent definitional terms: that "between seeing same-sex object choice on the one hand as a matter of liminality or transitivity between genders, and seeing it on the other hand as reflecting an impulse of separatism — though by no means necessarily political separatism — within each gender." Sedgwick is not interested in judging which of the two poles of these contradictions should be considered more correct. Rather, she makes a compelling argument for the "centrality of these nominally marginal yet conceptually intractable set of definitional issues to the important knowledges and understandings of twentieth-century Western culture as a whole." (Epistemology 1-2).
To find out more about her, go to her wikipedia page.
Eve Sedgwick is incredibly important to me beyond words. I first read Epistemology of the Closet when I was in my first semester of sophomore year at Albion College. It was in my literary theory class and I distinctly remember falling in love with her after completion of the text. This book has informed all of my writing and analysis since and has affected the way I look at myself in relation to my gay identity and the heteronormative spaces I occupy. I can't believe she isn't here anymore. It was always a dream of mine to at least meet her one day and tell her how important her writings have been to me.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Wynne Greenwood has a new exhibit at The Behnke Center for Contemporary Performance in Seattle that sees her returning to live work for the first time since Tracy + The Plastics! There are some more updates on Greenwood's recent activity on the webiste's blog as well as a great audio interview.
If anyone reading this isn't familiar with Wynne Greenwood, or maybe even Tracy + The Plastics, I STRONGLY suggest purchasing any of the following:
Tracy + The Plastics changed my life and acted as a sort of guide for how to balance the need for consciousness raising while avoiding the didactic positions that can result from not knowing how to share information. I have grown up with her work and gained a lot of creative inspiration and encouragement from seeing her performances, so this is kind of really exciting.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Also they are like $2,000. And in these tough economic times what better thing to spend your money on than a sunroom so your indoor cat can pretend to be outside.
Labels: cat suncatcher, cats, cats in space, outdoor cats, wacky stuff
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Probably because I am related to lesbian hippy urban farmers, and have some lesbian hippy urban farming tendencies myself, I find myself thinking a lot about local food. Specifically, where to get it and if I can afford it (depends on the week). But unfortunately, to misquote someone famous and dead, one cannot live on bread alone. So I think a lot about the ability to purchase other things locally. Or in the case of towels and other linens, the lack thereof.
Yeah, I could pop over to the bureau of urban living and pick up some Detroit made soap with a cute little map of Detroit on the bottom, but how come no one is buying fabric in bulk and making sheets and pillowcases with a huge map of the city on it? Or making raw organic cat food from rabbits that live on some urban farm in the Corridor?
If I'm going to spend 30 bucks on fancy cat food (not the raw stuff, I could very well make that at home), why not have it feed back into the city and state economy? I bet tons of the same hipster/ hippy/artie folks who go to the Russel Bazzar have pets that eat Iams. Where is Iams even packaged and produced at? It sure as hell isn't here.
There is a little fact floating around the web, " If every Michigan household spent $10 each week on Michigan made food products, then $37 million dollars would be put back into the local economy on a weekly basis."
I'm assuming the same principle applies to other goods and services, right? Or does this little fact simplify our current economic crisis by spinning too much personal responsibility? More so, is my slight feeling of guilt for not doing as much as I could to directly support the local economy that supports me, justified?
aka: is spending the extra 15 bucks at the Dearborn Music vs. amazon store worth it?
Monday, April 6, 2009
WE ALL KNOW March can be trying in Detroit. I usually spend the entire month wishing for April. WELL NOW IT'S HERE! So let's have some fun again!
Firstly, I've secured the dream deejay lineup for my birthday party, the second installment of our CLUB GOD ongoing party series. It will be taking place on Friday 17th April. Come dance the night away. Most importantly, come experience the extreme rarity of an ISAAC ROYALE deejay set. He's playing in the front room around Midnight.
In other news, Dethlab (my side-project with Michael Doyle and Bethany Shorb) are opening for FIXMER/McCARTHY (Terence Fixmer of French Gigolo fame and Douglas McCarthy of NITZER FUCKING EBB) in a few weeks at THC (pardon the obvious pun, Trowbridge House of Coffee) in Hamtramck! It's their first Detroit appearance on a small US tour, and they'll be playing quite a few Nitzer classics as well as new material. That will be completely insane.
Friday 17 April 2009
A Birthday Celebration for David S. Blunk, II
Soundtrack provided by:
B M G [of Ectomorph] (Interdimensional Transmissions)
Dethlab (Toybreaker/Burnlab/God Club)
Kelly Pink-o (GC / Fierce Hot Mess)
Isaac Royale (God Club)
Wilhelm K (D-Version Records)
Mike Trombley (DISCO / SECRET)
10PM until quite late | two rooms | 18 and over | drink specials | $5 before two, $8 after
@the Works | 1846 Michigan Avenue, Detroit Michigan 48216
And finally, don't forget, DEAD-LINE is every Wednesday at the Works. STEVIE plays all your dark disco / synth pop / cold wave / punk / noise / weirdo guilty pleasures, with a miraculous $0.50 cocktail power hour from 10PM - 11PM. Come get goth!
Here's a F / M videoclip to tease:
Mickalene Thomas makes amazing paintings adorned with rhinestones, she also does photographs and installations in the same in the same vein. Ms. Thomas has work in the show up at MOCAD right now, "Black is, Black Ain't." If you have not had a chance to see her work in person, you should check out the show.
Also see her work at her web site:
Labels: contemporary art, figure paintings, rhinestones, sweet
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Labels: dippin, great songs of the 21st century, nuggets, stingyness
Friday, April 3, 2009
Here is a monochromatic taste of pictures to come from the Construction/Constriction exhibit.
In Detroit news:
Besides the final four excitement of the weekend what with Fergie, Pussycat Dolls, and Gym Class Heros all playing for free this weekend, there are some interesting things going on.
An unnamed Detroit businessman wants to start "large-scale commercial farming" in Detroit. One of the places being scoped out are empty lots on Gratiot. And I say this could be one movement that could really help the city. How awesome would it be to have fresh foods grown in your city? I know there is small-scale farming already going on in Detroit like what you see at Eastern Market, and I hope that if commercial farming did happen it wouldn't affect them; But, it would be really awesome if empty, trash-filled lots were turned into farms. The obvious jobs would be created, it would help make Detroit look less like a landfill, and I would love to buy fresh foods grown close by.
Labels: cat pictures, commerical farming, Detroit, eastern market, graciot
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The Tate Britain's Triennial show is up right now and the theme/title of the show is "AlterModern", featuring a manifesto headed: "POSTMODERNISM IS DEAD".
How does this differ from postmodernism, especially anything queer, poco or otherwise vaguely pomo homo? Postmodernism is totally boring and we can talk about something new, but can the people that have ALREADY MOVED ON or at least better written your text continue writing in the space that you want to name without paying royalties? How does this wry harnessing of branding escape the pitfalls of the postmodernism you've built your argument against? Are you going to sell personalized t-shirts, or translate them into 5 languages?
Labels: alter modern, altermodern, tate, tate britain
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
A second look around the space. An index featuring source material used in the exhibit as well as a LOT of photographs will be available very, very soon.
I'm actually surprised that there is only one song out there called "Zombie Ponies" .
For whatever reason, zombie ponies are not big, minus the occasional doctored My Little Pony and the odd craft project. Even that bastion of all things kitchy and irrelvent, etsy, is sourly lacking in zombie ponies.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
So Hilary Duff and Wanda Sykes are in these ads put out by GLSEN that encourage teens to not use "gay" as a derogatory term. Is it bad that I kind of like them? I can't think of any really worthwhile reason to be annoyed by them. I mean, I guess GLSEN could be using money for other things (that is if they actually put money into them because they are also sponsored by the AD Council), but I think that it is interesting that there is a relatively large media attempt to change public discourse surrounding the word "gay." At the very least, even if it actually doesn't change the mind of any teenagers (which it probably really won't), it reaffirms gay teenage identity. (And the Wanda Sykes one is actually really funny).
The only real problem I have with the commercials is that it compares using the word gay derogatorily as equal to making fun of a teenage girl with an ugly top or a fugly boy with a post-pubescent mustache. NOT THE SAME THING. But, whatevs.
Labels: even gayer, gay teens, glsen, hilary duff, wanda sykes
Monday, March 30, 2009
Okay some of you may not know about the cult of Eternal Values and you probably should.
It was a cult formed by the man in the picture below named Frederick Von Mieres (a former male model). He told people he was an alien from the star Arcturus and he was here to basically save Earth and form the perfect cult of people. Everyone in the cult was rich and beautiful, and they had their own TV show talking about what they believed in, and basically about being aliens.
I think this is all really funny. I don't know a lot about cults, but cults that are about beautiful aliens who want to save Earth seems pretty great. Also all the articles I found about Fred Von Mieres said he lied about being from royalty and he just did a bunch of drugs and was out of his mind.
So in conclusion: maybe you didn't learn anything from this, but basing your life on a lie that you are/were an alien sent to Earth is really funny, and I wish it would happen more often
Labels: aliens, cults, Eternal Values, frederick von mieres, models
Sunday, March 29, 2009
HERE'S THE FIRST bit of evidence from Construction / Constriction, GOD CLUB's first group installation and performance that took place on Saturday 7 March 2009. More photos, videos, etc. will be available soon!
Thanks again to all attendees, supporters, and contributors.
Labels: art, construction constriction, Detroit, group installation
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Labels: Electronic Punk Music for Dancing, reality, ssion
Saturday, March 14, 2009
This is a great 30 minute program taken from of a collaboration between Deep Dish T.V. and Act Up! The video is now free domain, and there are a bunch of other programs from Deep Dish available elsewhere on's collection of free downloadable media.
Labels: 1989, 80s street fashion, act up, activism, aids, collectivity, deep dish tv, diva, diva tv, gay history, glamour, memorabilia, nostalgia, public access, queer deviance, wrap it up
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
You can only say funky if it's about re-mixes of great songs.
2005 bitches!
Labels: 2005, divine, funky house, re-mixes
Monday, March 9, 2009
A big THANK YOU to everyone who attended Saturday's exhibition! The over all reception was fantastic and was greatly appreciated after a very strenuous and involved 24 hours of creative and discursive laboring. We are currently working on a website that will provide an adequately interactive presentation to match the feeling of the installation as we realize that the art was incredibly temporal and not everyone had the time to come and witness it. Sooner than later we will at least have the accompanying text WITHIN/BEYOND/NEITHER written by David K. Geer and Jesalyn Blount up in PDF format.
Thanks again!
Labels: art, community, construction constriction, Detroit, group installation, woodbridge
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Labels: art is some times cool, Detroit, events, group installation
Thursday, March 5, 2009
So Wowzers Meowzers cat toys will now be sold at The Detroit Artist Market. Go get your pizza, sunny side up egg, pyramid, etc. etc.
Two words that need to be eliminated from any sort of dialogue dealing with art, or just in general: Funky, and whimsical. I never want to hear these words again. Ok thanks.
Labels: cat toys, cats, not funky, not whimsical
Sunday, March 1, 2009
G.O.D. Club's YouTube
Check out the Good Old Days Club on YouTube, filmed by someone's super rad mom, somewhere cooler than here, talking about Eiffel 65's hit BLUE and maybe saying fag as a que for something?
Labels: eiffel 65, faggotry, good old days, memory
Saturday, February 28, 2009
So much cooler than Niagara (except for Destroy All Monsters which rules 4e)
Kathe Burkhart:
I love flat figure paintings.
BTW, these are all Elizabeth Taylor.
Coming up:
Cats Love it When we are Unemployed. The comic I am working on inspired by something David Geer said which made me lol forrealz. I can't draw so it might take awhile.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
So I am watching David Letterman right now and Renee Zellweger is on and she came out all geeked up and might as well have had a sandwich bag of coke with a pink bendy straw in it.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Oscars Totally sucked.
Fuck faggots crying over gay marriage, it's obscuring the need for health care for everyone, fuck Sean Penn (see earlier holy gay trinity post by David Geer), and fuck floor length gowns with embellishment above the waist, you look like yr at the fucking prom.
Labels: academy awards, faggots, Gay, gay marriage, gay tragedy, gowns, harvey milk, national health care, oscars, sean penn
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
WHOAH, SETH'S GOT a new band! I didn't even know Gravy Train!!!! broke up. I was just talking to a friend yesterday about a show at Detroit Art Space (infinitely influential now-defunct illegal performance venue and gallery run by MOCAD's Ben Hernandez) where they played alongside Tamion 12 Inch and Les Georges Leningrad, both dead.
It's oftentimes depressing to think about how many things in life that have made me who I am, made me think how I think, etc. are totally gone.
But whatever, this video's great.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Coolest page ever.
Don't worry about the text.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
OMG, is beyond real.
so yea go to to see beauty like this:
Friday, February 6, 2009
So, I am watching a rerun of Oprah from september 2008 right now and Elizabeth Smart and her family are on the show talking about her abduction in 2002 that lasted over a year. (Remember Elizabeth Smart? She was that stereotypical pretty white rich girl that was kidnapped and forced to be the second wife of the dude who kidnapped her. Her kidnapping, especially when she was found, was all sensationalized, especially because she was a "pretty" white girl that was forced to wear a hijab by her kidnapper, which just added an orientalist "white slavery" scare to the story.) Anyways, her family is on Oprah right now and all I can think about is how HER FATHER IS SUCH A QUEENY BOTTOMY FAGGOT!!! See for yourself:
Anyways, the Oprah show is so fucked up for this episode. It basically, in my interpretation, focuses on how children must be saved, especially white children, even more so for girls, and their sexuality is LACK, non-existent. Their only subject position can be "non-sexual, potentially-victimized children." PLEASE. Not to say that child sexual assault doesn't happen (it is high but it a majority of the time happens within the family) but the continuous idea that children are constantly "potential victims" (and the children who could be are usually idealized as white) by phantasmic "child predators" is fucked up for a few reasons, a) it constructs and fosters the idea that children have no agency because they are perpetually seen/constructed as "potential victims," which is a passive, one dimensional formation and b) the subtext of the discourse constructs them as non-sexual beings and infers that any sense of sexuality (especially desire for an "adult") is wrong and non-childlike and ultimately seen as reflective of the failures of the parent and/or predatoriness of the adult, which the desire is deployed towards/for. There are also other issues with this that delve deeper into race, gender, and adult/child sexuality that I'm not gonna get into for the sake of keeping this short. But anyways, back to my primary point:
That father is such a "FAYe" Dunaway if you know what I mean.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
And then there is beautiful pic of lauren from years ago.
Labels: camp songs, even gayer, Gay
Saturday, January 31, 2009
THINGS HAVE BEEN going well at my new weekly residency at The Works in Detroit. Make it out if you can!
DEAD-LINE 003 - JANUARY 28 2009
"22:24," by Alec Empire
"Xerrox Monophaser 2," by Alva Noto
"Wahrheit," by Audiodakt
"Dancers (Radio Edit)," by Circlesquare
"Steamworks," by The Presets
"Tanz Mit Mir," by Deutsch Amerikanishe Freundschaft
"Faces (Behind Walls and Closed Doors," by Human Puppets
"Die Babies von heute," by Mekanik Destruktiw Komandoh
"Crash Conscious," by Age of Chance
"Spiel Ohne Worte," by Blindgänger
"Double Dostiev," by Zongamin
"New Breath," by Kap Bambino
"Catholic Guilt," by Bad Party
"Refuge Underneath," by Martial Canterel
"Seltsames Glük," by Tommi Stumpff
"Charming People are Deceitful," by ADULT.
"Walking in Goldmines," by GD Luxxe
"Mobula," by Fairmont
"Un Cheval d'Orguell," by Alexander Rebotini
"Jealous (Mix)," by Lesbians on Ecstacy
DEAD-LINE 002 SETLIST: January 21, 2009
"Sirens," by Wendy Weber
"Zu Den Anderen Gerollt Werden," by Alexander Von Borsig
"If Snow was Black," by the Detroit Grand Pubahs
"The Accident Causer," by Lowfish
"Japanisch," by Alexander Von Borsig
"Helen of Troy," by Telefon Tel Aviv
"Don't Like You," by Eric and the Anytimes
"Stigmata," by Ministry
"Ashes," by Mount Sims
"Mono Mouth," by Magas
"Game and Performance," by Deux
"Der Tag Schlägt zu," by Mekanik Destruktiw Komandoh
"Flowing & Grinding," by Smack Music 7
"Yak," by Motor
"Prophet," by Principles of Geometry (Poni Hoax Remix)
"Titanium," by kid606
"Kraft (320)," by Neo Filigrante
"Pancake Radio," by Music at Nite
"Twins," by Linda Lamb
"Syllabic Viagara," by Indian Jewelry
"Kicking and Screaming," by The Presets (Bang Gang's E is for Edit)
F R I E N D S : B L O G S
Teenage Filmstars11 months ago
Dimming the Lights and Locking Up at Coilhouse12 years ago
Béatrice Dalle Day8 years ago
September5 years ago
Con Air (1997) Full Streaming9 years ago
pHinnWeb.tumblr.com15 years ago
MARCH 25. New Blog!14 years ago
Drugs for the Medical Needs12 years ago
Magazine Time6 years ago
R. I. P. - P. 5.11 years ago
F R I E N D S : L I N K S
* Citizen Records: Vitalic's Label from Dijon, France
* Interdimensional Transmissions: Destroy Your Powercenters!
* Different Recordings: Music First
* The Blitz Kids: Ode to New 80's
* Space Factory Disques: David Carretta's Label
* International Deejay Gigolos: We Are Gigolo
* Gay Shame: A Celebration of Resistance
* Minimal Wave: Cold Wave & Minimal Synth Re-Issues
* Ersatz Audio: Abnormal Since 1995
Blog Archive
- 25 + 2009 = Yessss.
- Why isn't it still the 90's?
- I've Got A Lot On My Mind
- How to be a Better Faggot Pt. 2: Fag Talk!
- David Blunk, II's 25th birthday party tonite!
- My Struggle
- Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick RIP (5/2/1950-4/12/2009
- Wynne Greenwood Comes Out of Hiding!
- This bandwagon looks like the one at the apple orc...
- Upcoming GOD CLUB & DETHLAB Events
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T A G S / L A B E L S
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- money
- national health care
- Nightlife
- Noise
- nostalgia
- not funky
- not whimsical
- Notorious B.I.G.
- nuggets
- Obama
- oscars
- outdoor cats
- paint fights
- paintpaintpaint
- pants
- paris fashion week spring 2009
- Parlaiment
- parties
- peeing
- People's Art Festival
- performance
- Personal
- Pet Shop Bears
- philidelphia
- photography
- pirate radio
- pizza
- pleasure
- poco pomo homo
- ponies
- post electroclash
- post punk
- post-feminism
- postpunk
- Pre-Digital Electronic Music
- princess
- prop 8
- public access
- queeniness
- queer
- queer deviance
- queer theory
- R.I.P.
- radical performance art
- Radio Caroline
- raf simons
- rant
- ravers
- re-mixes
- reality
- really cool stuff on the internt
- Really Deep House
- really more gayness
- reena spaulings
- rental
- rhinestones
- ricky kasso
- Riot Grrrl riotgrrrl riotgrrl zine
- Rivera Court
- Russel Industrial Center
- russell industrial center
- ryan trecartin
- sarah palin
- satan
- sean penn
- second wave feminism
- shampoo
- silly faggot (in a good way)
- sisters
- smart girls at the party
- smartees
- snacks
- soulja boy
- ssion
- Stigmata
- stingyness
- stonewall
- stupid girls
- sustainabiltiy
- sweet
- Synth Pop
- synth wave
- tamion 12 inch
- tate
- tate britain
- teenagers
- television
- tequila bloody mary
- thanksgiving
- the 90s
- the 90s forever
- the devil
- the election
- the hangar
- the internet is cool
- the internet is real
- The internet is stupid
- The Jonas Brothers
- the Magic Stick
- the Majestic Theatre complex
- the Old Miami
- the rapture
- the well of loneliness
- the works
- Theatre Bizarre
- theory
- third wave feminism
- today
- tommy turner
- totally over it
- tracy and the plastics
- trans issues
- Trans Looks
- transgender
- trowbridge house of coffee
- TV
- verbose
- video
- video art
- Von Sudenfed
- wacky stuff
- Wall of Sound
- wanda sykes
- war
- weed
- weekly parties
- welcome
- what we're doing
- where evil dwells
- why
- women in postpunk
- womens studies
- woodbridge
- wowzers meowzers
- wrap it up
- wynne greenwood
- yes farm
- younger than jesus